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La filosofia del Parco Naturale Dolomiti Friulane si fonda sulla qualità che guida ogni azione e ogni comunicazione. Lo scopo è quello di diffondere tale principio al territorio circostante e ai fruitori ambientali. Per concretizzare questa filosofia il Parco Naturale Dolomiti Friulane ha intrapreso la strada delle certificazioni. Nel 2009 ha conseguito la certificazione ambientale ISO 14002:2004. Il percorso è stato arricchito nel 2012 con l’acquisizione della certificazione europea EMAS.

On March 13th 2012, the Regional Natural Park of the Friulian Dolomites was EMAS Registered with registration number IT -001,432. The recognition was confirmed in 2014.
The Park has adopted an environmental management system conforming to this Regulation in order to implement a continuous improvement of its activities. Inside of the activities it has been prepared an environmental statement validated by an accredited environmental verifier and from the Ecolabel Committee – Section Ecoaudit EMAS Italy.
The Institution receives in this way a further eulogy that aims to show what done so far and to have always new goals to improve its environmental management.
- Politica ambientale del Parco
- Certificato di registrazione
- Dichiarazione ambientale 2011-2013
- Dichiarazione ambientale – aggiornamento 2012
- Dichiarazione ambientale 2014-2016
- Dichiarazione ambientale – aggiornameto 2015
- Dichiarazione ambientale – aggiornameto 2016
- Dichiarazione ambientale 2017-2019
- Dichiarazione ambientale – aggiornamento 2018
- Dichiarazione ambientale – 2019
- Dichiarazione ambientale – 2020/2022
- Dichiarazione ambientale – aggiornamento 2021
- Dichiarazione ambientale – aggiornamento 2022
- Dichiarazione ambientale – 2023/2026
La certificazione ISO 14001:2004 e la Registrazione EMAS sono i due tipi di certificazione ambientale utilizzati, il primo con valenza internazionale mentre il secondo a livello comunitario. Entrambi puntano al miglioramento delle prestazioni ambientali degli Enti in cui vengono applicati. Con l’applicazione del Regolamento EMAS il Parco dimostra al pubblico il suo impegno in campo ambientale dandone evidenza con la Dichiarazione Ambientale. Tale documento informa gli interlocutori sull’applicazione del proprio Sistema di Gestione Ambientale e sul raggiungimento degli obiettivi prefissati.
Environmental certification serves as surely as an incentive for the management improvement, thanks to the fact that you have to put specific, measurable and verifiable goals. The Park has developed the Initial Environmental Analysis which takes into account the environmental aspects of the organization with related importance levels. For aspects considered significant it has been developed a program with very specific goals together with appropriate procedures suited to manage these concerns. An essential step was the drafting and approval by the Directive Board of the Environmental Policy drawn up in harmony with the mission of the park itself.
It can be divided into three parts: the first describes the characteristics of the territory, the Institution, the references to the main European directives on the environmental protection; in the second part are exposed the inspiring principles of the environmental choices made by the Institution; in the third part are described the Institution objectives to guide the environmental programs.
It highlights the importance of the involvement of the entire organization in the certification, a fundamental factor in order to obtain a good result. Even more strategic would be the opportunity to engage in this quality context the economic and administrative entities operating in the Park and the local population.

On June 17th 2009 was carried out by the Certifying Body, RINA of Genoa, the visit for the achievement of ISO 14001: 2004 certification.
In 2012 the award was confirmed.
The inquiry carried out scrupulously and carefully on the Institution’s activities have led to the obtaining of this prestigious award. This result comes from a concrete work that the organization has carried out since the end of 2006 with the introduction of procedures and targets.
This effort has been made by the whole organization from the President and the Executive Council and with the involvement of all staff, employees, professionals and those who collaborate with the Park. This recognition demonstrates the large amount of work being performed and the orderliness with which this is being carried out. The Institution thus forms part of a “elite” certified parks and this further recognition highlights even more the peculiar characteristics of this territory.