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The Natural Park of the Friulian Dolomites is pursuing a Wildlife Health Monitoring Plan which aims to monitor the wildlife health that the Park hosts with particular attention to ungulates and birds of prey.
The examination of a population of wild animals is traditionally carried out through the evaluation of environmental and demographic characteristics such as habitat quality, abundance of preys and density and reproductive success.
The conventional examination methods involve the clearest responses expressed by the population such as mortality and fertility fluctuations.
The single animal’s response to a perturbation (toxic substances, diseases, stress, etc.) represents an important element, that complements the normal demographic data, thanks to an “Eco-pathological” approach. In fact, the disturbance that can have long-term negative effects on fertility, mortality and on the genetic pool, can initially, in the short term, determine health status changes (physiological or behavioral) on the individual.Eco-patologico“. Infatti la perturbazione che può a lungo termine avere degli effetti negativi sulla fecondità, mortalità e sul pool genetico, può inizialmente, sul breve periodo, determinare delle alterazioni dello stato di salute (fisiologiche o comportamentali) sul singolo individuo.
Such alterations can be highlighted by examining a sufficiently representative sample of animals of the population also using Bio-medicine methods.